Alright, so here's what's up. I finished Dear Emily, and I added a soundtrack to the front so if you want to play it while you read it, you can, because it's what I would listen to while I was writing it\songs I thought fit. I saw everyone else doing it so I thought I might as well - and no, I wouldn't jump off a bridge if all my friends did.
Because I finished Dear Emily, I'm trying to work on I'm not falling for him maybe but it's a book I kind of have to be in the mood to right and it's not deep so I don't want to write it, much. I've got this really - I think, anyway - awesome idea for a book and I'm trying to get the character development and plot down pat so I can finish the first chapter and post it and I'm so excited!!!! It's going to be kind of different than what I usually write in a way and I'm just really happy with it so far but I've not really done anything so wish me luck.
Also, I know I need to change my icon and background which are still for Christmas\winter but I'm busy working on stuff so don't' judge me and also - I realize I've already said that and this is a run-on sentence, my dearest apologies - how are you guys?