
Hello @Crash5020 i was wondering if you could write my story request for a disney-villain group faction called the brotherhood of destruction which the members are made up of a male reader who had been isekaied as the master of masters from kingdom hearts and the most dangerous disney-villains that had ever live in the disney-multiverse and did not get to appear in kingdom hearts which are negaduck from darkwing duck has the eye color of his ducktales 2017 counterpart which is a reference to the negaduck 2023-2024 comic books and emperor belos from the owl house and warmonga from kim possible and the dark dragon from american dragon jake long and the core from amphibia and the chairman from the ghost & molly mcgee and the green goblin (norman osborn) from the new marvel animated series called your friendly neighborhood spider-man as the fan design will be done being digitally drawn this upcoming saturday during the morning or afternoon by as he is also to be credited as the artist that digitally drawn the fan design of the green goblin but the fan design is my idea and would like to be given credit for it aswell and demona from gargoyles and lord dragaunus from mighty ducks the animated series and fat cat from chip n dale rescue rangers the original cartoon series and toffee from star vs the forces of evil which they serve as the new most dangerous arch-enemies and dark counterparts of the mane 8 & their winged dragon friend spike the dragon as this idea takes place after the defeat of the legion of doom (my little pony friendship is magic) and before the events of my little pony next generation since i'm only curious to know is all as i will be honored if you could consider writing my story request when you have time to in the future my friend