
Okay guys.
          	So, I've been writing that fiction that I keep secret because it's like my way to get my emotions off my body so it's kinda a sad fiction. 
          	But anyway. It's a One Direction fanfic' and I feel so bad I put Louis and Harry into relationships with girls because I'm a big Larrie. But I just don't feel like I'm writing good enough to write about them. 
          	They're just a powerful and hopeful couple and I don't want to mess this up. I just idolize them as people (Mildred, they're perfect) but I also idolize their relationship. It's like I wish I could be married some day with a man that would treat me just as they treat each other.
          	Sorry for the ramble. I actually wanted to know if that happens to any of you and if you still feel guilty while writing a non-larry fanfic'? 


Hi! Just wanted to say a big thank you for all the votes you left on FINGERTIPS! It means a lot, always, so thank you!!!
          Take care ♥
           - Lisa


@Crawkwik Aww well thank you so much I really appreciate it and I'm really happy you're enjoying it !! Thank you ♥


@ rainbowxtommo  Hiii! It's like the 5th time I read it and for some reason all my votes got deleted so I re-voted because it's really worth it.
            I really love this fanfuc of yours, it's well written and I never read another book with that kind of story, I really appreciate it ♥️


Okay guys.
          So, I've been writing that fiction that I keep secret because it's like my way to get my emotions off my body so it's kinda a sad fiction. 
          But anyway. It's a One Direction fanfic' and I feel so bad I put Louis and Harry into relationships with girls because I'm a big Larrie. But I just don't feel like I'm writing good enough to write about them. 
          They're just a powerful and hopeful couple and I don't want to mess this up. I just idolize them as people (Mildred, they're perfect) but I also idolize their relationship. It's like I wish I could be married some day with a man that would treat me just as they treat each other.
          Sorry for the ramble. I actually wanted to know if that happens to any of you and if you still feel guilty while writing a non-larry fanfic'? 


Heyy, thank you so so much for all those votes you're leaving on FINGERTIPS, it means a lot!! 
          Take care ❤


@ rainbowxtommo  thanks to you for sharing this with us. I spent good moments reading this and I felt like I knew them. I felt angry and happy and sad whenever they were or whenever Louis' demons were to show up. 
            I swear your work is amazing and it's the best I read in a while. 
            Congrats Darling ❤


I swear I got teary eyes when I read this! Thank you so so so much, you don't know how much it means to me, so happy you're enjoying it !! ♥


@ rainbowxtommo Heyyy! I am just in love with your fic'. This is all I'm looking for in reading and I havn't felt like this for a while. FINGERTIPS is just pure gold and your writing is amazing! I think I'm gonna be a re-reader on this. 
            Thank you, take care too darling. ❤


Hello ! Merci beaucoup de me suivre, j’en suis ravie ! J’espère que ce que j’écris va te plaire. Je viens justement de publier le début de mon roman « Rival » qui raconte l’histoire de deux lycéens musiciens en compétition. J’espère que ça va te plaire, n’hésites pas à me dire ce que tu en penses ! 
          Je vois que tu écris aussi, j’ai ajouté ton œuvre à ma bibliothèque. Je te donne bientôt  mon avis par commentaire ! 
          Ça fait longtemps que tu écris ? Tu es bilingue d’ailleurs ? 
          N’hésites pas à m’envoyer un message, je serais ravie de faire connaissance !
          Bonne soirée :) 


Merci de ton follow ! J'espère que mon histoire te plaira n'hésite pas à me donner ton avis ! ❤


@ Orzysten  Pas de soucis  
            Je termine le chapitre de celle que je lis en ce moment et je commence la tienne tout de suite après ( en plus c'est une Larry )