
Wow! All the respnse I've gotten this early on or my Bellarke fic is really encouraging, I havent been able to write cause I havent been home, but going home today and hopefully the chapter will be up tomorrow! :)


Wow! All the respnse I've gotten this early on or my Bellarke fic is really encouraging, I havent been able to write cause I havent been home, but going home today and hopefully the chapter will be up tomorrow! :)


Hello everyone! I hate promising things so Ill stop doing that, my life is currenly quite a mess(not anything serious) :P I just have no concentration or inspiration to do anything basically, my family is also a mess, my house and my head as well tbh.but I feel my will to write slowly comming back :) giess thats somewhat good news :P


People who have been following "so close" might be dissapointed since it hasn't been updated in soo long, and honestly I have no excuse other than I'm lazy, I was behind in riting and schoolwork...and now Im just tired from summer work..
          BUT there will be something special now in So close before I upload the actual next chapter (unknown when thatll be) 
          But know that it's not forgotten! 


PART 2 OF CHAPTER 8 IS UP!! Please don't kill us <3 you should thank Niamh though! :3 I was suppose to write it but took my fair share of time, in the end she did it... a lot quicker than me xD so I love her and stuff :3 x


I'm sorry, my newest followers have started following me in my worst time xD, good news is that I had missunderstood and I do not have exams this week, I don' have exams in Swedish at all...only in English which isn't til May :P But I still have that History assignment to do, but I think pt 2 will be up soon :P


dudes, my Swedish teacher handed me all my assginments that Im late with so He'd make sure I had everything I needed cause he didn't wanna drop me from B to C (he's awesome :3) so I've been piled with swedish assignments, then I need to write a history assignment about the vietnam war til tuesday, or my hist teacher will kill me. SO pt2 wil be a little longer, but I hope it'll be worth it, I really need to focus on school before out grades are set cause I never do otherwise. And I have exams this week :/, luckily they are the kind of exams you don't need to study for, you just need your brain in the right place.  then when pt 2 is posted I think So close will take a short break :/ but when the next chap is posted you'll see why, I really wanna work with it.


About chapter 8 pt 2...I was suppose to edit it this weekend (it's been done for about 2 weeks xD) But it NEEDS editing. AND alst week I laid in bed all week with minor depression (a condition I get once in a while..not often but it happens, where I just feel down and sad and tired and have no energy for anything) so I was suppose to edit this weekend, BUT since I didn't do any schoolwork last week, I did some of it this weekend, and my mum made me go outside *shudders*. the suun, it's not edited..  


You guys HAVE NO IDEA how extremely excited I am over this fanfic :3 I haven't started writing, but just the plannign part is just thrilling asdfghjkjfjakf hope you'll like it when I publish it, cause it's my little baby :;3