
Okay, so weā€™re rewriting this because Wattpad has a word limit apparently. Iā€™m going to try and keep this a bit short, but recently I got put on a new medication to treat my ADHD and itā€™s helped out A LOT. So much so that I think progress will speed up on the writing front.
          	 Firstly, I wanna address that Monster Breeding will have some more focus soon, Iā€™m going to try and pump out a new story and the second chapter to The Guardsmanā€™s Harem before that, after that, Iā€™m gonna try and get the next chapter for Monster Breeding out hopefully by Friday. Hereā€™s hoping Iā€™m able to meet expectations!
          	 Anyway, feel free to ask any questions you might have, I love interacting with you all! Have a wonderful day/night!


Okay, so weā€™re rewriting this because Wattpad has a word limit apparently. Iā€™m going to try and keep this a bit short, but recently I got put on a new medication to treat my ADHD and itā€™s helped out A LOT. So much so that I think progress will speed up on the writing front.
           Firstly, I wanna address that Monster Breeding will have some more focus soon, Iā€™m going to try and pump out a new story and the second chapter to The Guardsmanā€™s Harem before that, after that, Iā€™m gonna try and get the next chapter for Monster Breeding out hopefully by Friday. Hereā€™s hoping Iā€™m able to meet expectations!
           Anyway, feel free to ask any questions you might have, I love interacting with you all! Have a wonderful day/night!


I think I speak for the majority here when I say we really really want you to continue monster breeding. I understand that you have things to do, and I want you to put yourself first, but the story has had no updates for a very long time, and it is one of your most read stories, I read it a long time ago, and it really got me hooked, I've lost my account multiple times, but whenever I make a new account, the first thing I look for and add to my library is monster breeding. I truly beg of thee, finish this miraculous story.
          And have a great day too


@Kamui_Eclipse thank you for your very kind words, it fills me with joy knowing that there are still people who love any of my stories, although itā€™s become somewhat difficult to write Monster Breeding. Iā€™ve written several chapters over the years and itā€™s probably my longest story yet, however the latest chapter has been difficult to write with several drafts having been done before I tossed it away because I didnā€™t like how it turned out. Rest assured that there are several points I have thought out clearly, and that the second Act also has a clear line I want it to follow and have not yet forgotten. While I canā€™t say when it will come out, I would like to assure you that the chapter is still in the works and progress, though small, is being made. Thank you once again, I always appreciate it when someone voices their opinion of my stories and have a wonderful day!


@Kamui_Eclipse I take back that "one of your most read stories". It literally has over 100k and your other stories have under 10k. Not to say they aren't good, I like all of your stories lol. 


New story is up! The Guardsmanā€™s Harem! I hope you all enjoy it! The God Emperor of Mankind blessed me with a hyper fixation and by the throne I will be using it! This first chapter is relatively slow, but I promise that the next one will be even more fitting for a Warhammer story! Have a good one, and remember the Inquisitionā€™s motto- BURN THE HERETIC, KILL THE MUTANT, PURGE THE UNCLEAN! THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!


Listening to the Fortress Monastery OST while you write a Warhammer Smut is something. Itā€™s like the lewdness is holy or something. Oh yeah, I have a new story Iā€™m working on, might post it sometime today or tomorrow. Itā€™ll be called ā€œThe Guardsmanā€™s Haremā€ and admittedly Iā€™ve wanted to do a Warhammer 40k story for a very long time but never knew how to do it. So hereā€™s hoping this oneā€™s good! Have a wonderful day everyone, and remember, The Emperor Protects and if you donā€™t think so youā€™re a dirty Chaos/Xenos Worshipping Heretic who deserves to be burned at the stake! (And then they learn I have a million Tyranid Minisā€¦)


Two new stories in the works, a FNAF smut (Iā€™ve always wanted to do one) and a story that actually isnā€™t a smut called, ā€œThe Keeperā€. FNAF will be as one would expect, a story about a security guard getting to second base with the animatronics, while The Keeper is a prelude to a much bigger story involved with ā€œThe Space Beneathā€ that Iā€™ve had on my mind now. The Keeper will focus around, as the title suggests, The Keeper and The Primordial Voice primarily and will probably be relatively short, about 4-5 chapters maybe. FNAF will most likely come first for now though, as usual Iā€™ll let yā€™all know when it drops! Have a wonderful day!


New story is out, a new and recent fascination of mine involving Robophilia. Currently itā€™s only a short prologue, but the story follows Terry as the leader of a unit of robots called, as its title suggests, a Death Squad. This will follow his journey to hunting down terrorists with, of course, sexual twists in order to uncover their insidious plot! So if the idea interests you then I recommend you give it a read!
           On a brighter note, I finally am able to continue writing Monster Breeding and Pokephilia, thanks to finally having more free time!
           Well, you all have a wonderful day/night now!


Currently writing this at 6:30am, couldnā€™t sleep because too much Mountain Dew and was playing Chronos Before The Ashes. Donā€™t judge. I beg of thee.
          New story ideas hit me, and this time Iā€™m actually trying to write it, unlike a bunch of other ideas I let slip through my fingers.
           Yā€™all heard of this game called ā€œElden Ringā€? If not, itā€™s one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played and thatā€™s all you need to know.  But yeah, get ready because Iā€™m once again doing what I havenā€™t done in a long time- write a smut parody of something.
           I used to have a number of those but the story got all screwed up because a younger version of ya boi thought it was a good idea to intertwine the B-plot in with chapters in other smut parodiesā€¦ which werenā€™t part of the same story. Anywho, no need to read those because this will be completely separate from those ones.
           In short, prepare for an Elden Ring Smut Extravaganza in the near future! And now that I promised it, I have to do it! Screw you my really bad ADHD!
           Well, hope you all have a wonderful day/night/week!


Yes, but at the moment I just donā€™t have the time to write.


Are you ever going to continue Monster Breeding?


Iā€™ve spent most of my life as a mercenary. Ever since I was 8 years old Iā€™ve lived a nomadic life, serving as a meal boy and janitor. At 12 I was given the chance to pilot a Mech, a speedy scout Mech of the Runner variant, although itā€™d been stripped of its weapons and I was deployed only to serve as a distraction. But now Iā€™m 26 and the leader of this outfit, and the proud pilot of a Titan Class Mech. We live as we always have, roaming the Milky Way Galaxy in search for jobs from whoever pays us enough. Sometimes we lose friends and teammates, sometimes itā€™s because they were newbies who thought this was all fun and games, sometimes it was professionals who made a bad call or got overwhelmed in a firefight. Whoever it was, then dying never bothered me, not as much as it used to anyway. In this line of work, grief was a luxury we couldnā€™t afford, itā€™s a similar deal with fear, whether you try to ignore it or not, youā€™ll become numb to it eventually. My outfit grieves for no one, and we fear nothing, well, nothing except 2 things. We fear the two things all do, the ringing of Church Bells and the Prayers of a Priest.


Hey, guys, not really an update on stories, but I have a question for you all. I know that Iā€™m a smut author and all, but how would you guys feel if I wrote a WW2 story based in a world of Anthropomorphic animals?
           Iā€™ve been sitting on an idea for a couple weeks now and have decided to call it, ā€œThe Flowers of Elysiumā€. This takes place in the world of Elysium, where several major nations are currently in a massive war, these nations being the Feline monarchy of Aeverious, the Communist Bear people of Stolatskia, the German Deer people of Brehama, the Honorbound Fox people of Komura, and the horrifying, brutal Wolves of Demora. Stolatskia and Brehama have banded together, using Brehaman Engineering and the might of Stolatskian troops and vehicles, they make a powerful foe for the Aeverians, whose numbers arenā€™t enough to match the raw power of their enemies, nor can their ally Komura. So they turn to an ancient enemy, the ruined nation of Demora, whose alliance, while shaky, gives them the edge needed to save Aeverious and stop the Brehaman and Stolatskian scourge!
           Let me know if you guys would like to see this come out, I absolutely want to make this into a passion project of mine, so I hope you guys and gals would be interested in seeing this come to fruition!


@CrazedHellion Sure! just don't leave your other stories in the dust.


Hello again everyone! I hope youā€™re having a wonderful night (or day)! Because itā€™s 4am for me and I canā€™t sleep thanks to my cat! Anyway, Iā€™m excited to share with you all the progress thatā€™s been going on!
           Monster Breeding will be posted sometime within the next few days, Iā€™m only a couple more scenes away but I promise you itā€™s closer than ever now to being finished! I hope I can reach your expectations with this, Iā€™ve visualized this chapter from beginning to end and made various revisions in an attempt to make it better, and donā€™t worry, for those who voted for the Scene between Asinia and Terry, itā€™s still happening!
           Pokephilia is unfortunately on pause for the time being, and The Space Beneath has a start to the next part, but it wonā€™t be released for some time as something else has recently entered my mind.
           I recently had an idea for an 18+ Destiny story. The idea is of a section of the Hive that broke away from Oryx and became its own sort of thing. Only much more NSFW than the normal Hive. So for any of you Destiny Fans who would be interested in a Hive-Based Smut, keep an eye out.
           Well, thatā€™s all for tonight folks, Goodnight/day and I hope you have a wonderful week!