Woa did I never post anything of why I just... disappeared? Ahah, well...
I’ve since moved to Instagram! When was the last time I was on wattpad again? I think a few months ago,,,,
Anyway, my Instagram is @r_azio follow me for random bursts of art. Heh the one thing that hasn’t changed is my inconsistency to draw. But, whatever, I’m alive y’all I’m not dead.
If you were wondering why I kind of just left wattpad? I think I explained in my art book somewhere but, the main reason is that the art community here is pretty lacking. Don’t get me wrong, there are wonderful people here and I’ve met a few good friends too, but in all wattpad wasn’t deadly made to be an art platform. It’s a writing platform, and I think it would be better for authors to get creative here and artists to go to places like insta or Pw etc to do that.
I wish I was more active, but I’ve kind of fallen from the fandoms that I enjoyed. But, I’m gonna crawl myself back up cause some people are updating after a long time and I need to catch up; though outside stuff is pretty tiring. Maybe I should just make a book of me complaining about life? Hah that might be fun so you wouldn’t have to read through these status updates all the time.
Anyway, I wish you all a good day! Stay safe and healthy y’all!!!!