قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Okay, so if any of you got the notifications that I re-published My Fortune and now can't access it... that's because I re-unplished it shortly after. Why? Because I was deleting all of the previous comments since I did some heavy rewriting and editing on it (why I unpublished it in the first place) and the comments that were there would be heavily out of place or just wouldn't makes sense with all of the changes that I made.
In fact, I'm probably going to heavily rewrite and edit Berry Lovely and do some mild touch ups on Crown Me. So, sadly, I'll be un-publishing those pretty soon here, probably in a week so y'all have time to process and see this. They will be back, so don't worry... but I just wanted to give you a heads up. In the meantime, I might re-publish (Wow I'm so chaotic and indecisive) the first two new and improved chapters of My Fortune if y'all want me to.
Anyways, I apologize for all of my bullshit, I'm really just trying to make all of the stuff meet the standards of quality writing I've know I can give you guys because my old writing just hasn't been doing it for me anymore. I hope you understand.