Help! I have been searching for this one book for a while now. I can not remember what it is called, its about beauty and the beast, kind of a retelling. There is this girl whos family use to be rich/higher middle class and then they became poor l. The girl use to play in this garden at the castle that 'had' a monster in it. Anyways her mom gets r3ally sick and she cant affored a good livelyhood anymore. She worked as a bar maiden. Anyways two gaurds brought her to the castle because she was behind on taxes and she was thrown in the dungen where the 'beast' later gets her out. A part of the beasts curse it that noone can understand him except for the one that will be able to break the curse, our bar maiden. Anyways time skip because i dont remember all that happens during that time. The girls mom gets really sick and she gets to go back to help her mom the beast goes with her. Her mom dies and a friend who tried to harasse her into marrying him gets killed by th3 beast. Her and the beast go back to the castle where later she is taken to town to be executed because the towns people think she killed the guy. Only to have the prince save her. Andyone know this story i no joke have been looking for it for like a year. Please tell me if you know it so i can take this down as to not riun the book for anyone else.