
Heyoooo everybody!! This is yours truly coming back after a long-ass hiatus that lasted for about 2...maybe 3 months?? I don't really remember because I've been so busy with a lot of things called life. School life to be specific.
          	After endless among of schoolworks with deadlines to meet, my school finally decided to give us a very much needed health break (thank god!!), that will last for a week. Given this opportunity, I'll try my best to update my probably rotting books and pick up where we left off. Just bear with me patiently, because it's been a while since I last wrote something so I'm kinda rusty now. 
          	Anywho, that's all for now!! Cya in my next update ❤️
          	P. S. I would just like to thank those who constantly showed their concerns through their messages. All of them are very much appreciated. 


@Crazy4Liskook good to have you back!
          	  We missed you author-nim!


@Crazy4Liskook Yay!! Glad to know that you're back 
          	  Plz update bound and promised 
          	  It's so beautiful, can't wait to know what'll happen next!! 


Heyoooo everybody!! This is yours truly coming back after a long-ass hiatus that lasted for about 2...maybe 3 months?? I don't really remember because I've been so busy with a lot of things called life. School life to be specific.
          After endless among of schoolworks with deadlines to meet, my school finally decided to give us a very much needed health break (thank god!!), that will last for a week. Given this opportunity, I'll try my best to update my probably rotting books and pick up where we left off. Just bear with me patiently, because it's been a while since I last wrote something so I'm kinda rusty now. 
          Anywho, that's all for now!! Cya in my next update ❤️
          P. S. I would just like to thank those who constantly showed their concerns through their messages. All of them are very much appreciated. 


@Crazy4Liskook good to have you back!
            We missed you author-nim!


@Crazy4Liskook Yay!! Glad to know that you're back 
            Plz update bound and promised 
            It's so beautiful, can't wait to know what'll happen next!! 


hellooo author-nim, it has been a year since u’ve last updated “peculiarly, you” please update it soon! hope you are doing great! i really love the story and hopes that it will continue and have a nice ending! fighting author-nim! more viewers to come


Hello, starlings, it's your dear author here signing in again! Sorry for being MIA these past few months but now I'm back to writing (yipeee!).
          Summer vacation came 2 weeks ago, but I wasn't able to write till now since my phone was buzzing like crazy and I only got it back yesterday after fixing it. Anywho, just give me  a few days to organize my drafts (it's a mess) and I'll finally give you the chapters you deserve. Love y'all and I hope you stay safe always <3


@Crazy4Liskook how are you author? Hope you doing good...just wanted to ask when are you going to update on bounds and promised


@Crazy4Liskook Yes welcome back! Lucky you, I still have a month till summer break ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


I know you might be busy with work and stuff authornim. But I'm patiently waiting for a bound and promise update as it is one of my favourite stories. I won't force you to update, it's just a request for your comeback. Your stories are really addicting and we'll written. Thank you authornim for filling out lives amazing stories 


@LostFantasy24 and how are you authornim?


OMGOODNESS!!! It's so nice to be back!! Well, not totally back yet, but it's been a long time since I had the time to check on my rotting account. And it literally shookt me when the first thing that I noticed is that my book has reached 100k readers!!! 
          Gosh, I don't even know how to feel!! I'm so over the moon right now! I don't even know if this is a dream or not. But, I only know one thing that is for real: I wouldn't be able to reach this big milestone if it wasn't for you starlings and I totally appreciate each and one of you ❤︎.
          Regarding about my next update, I'll post it soon. Just wait for it until I've finally finish my gosh darn exams and projects. Again, thank you so so so much, starlings!!! I hope you guys continue to support my works despite of my incompetence to provide a chapter pronto. Luv u all ❤︎❤︎❤︎


@Crazy4Liskook I'm so glad you're back author! Can't wait for the next update!! 