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To each and every single one of you dahling deasts around the world, how are you lot doing as this COVID-19 world is drawing to a close. Too many lives lost, we shall remember them very well. Black lives matter. Stop the Asian hate. No means no. Equal pay day every day. Silence equals death. Good lives matter. Nazis don't matter! Hope you agree with me on this. So back to topic. After two and a half years of being forever stuck in limbo, I am beyond proud to unveil the brand new adventure featuring our Irish Punisher of the Boothwood Universe - his name being Sean Lipton. Please welcome the second chapter of the Sean Lipton saga: "Dreams of Galway". Where will our berzerker vilgante end up once he finds himself in a cross-roads of conspiracies within enemy lines? If you haven't, please read "Sean Lipton" prior to this one so that not only you will get caught up with everything but also have a better idea on what the fuck is going on. Thank you for your support, patience and understanding. Hope each and every one of you are doing well lately. We will get through this! Until then, go to my Wattpad, look up Sean Lipton and once you have got to end of the book entirely, hop right into Dreams of Galway. Be happy, stay cool, never give up! xoxoxoxo