this message may be offensive
Ever wonder what is the true meaning to love? I have fallen in love before. It wasn’t with that one person i was in a relationship with once. It wasn’t with the person that gave me my first kiss. It was with someone very close to me. They still are. There was a moment where too much was happening at the same time and I had to tell them. It was hard. They were shocked and obviously didn’t feel the same way. We agreed that I stopped liking them. And it hurt my heart. The fact that I kept on loving that person until i slowly deteriorated. I eventually fell out of love. Losing all my hopes of ever finding someone. There’s times where I cry at night wishing or pondering the thought of having someone sleep next to me. Someone who’s hair i can play with. Someone who’s heart beat and breathing I can listen and feel to as they fall asleep on my chest. Someone to wake up in the morning to. To goof around and tell them their morning breath stinks but still peck their lips. I wish i had someone... I would send them messages every night and morning telling them that I appreciate them. And when the time comes, I hope I get to love them. And that they love me. And that we have a great night when we finally tell each other that. I would take them on a picnic. Or to a fair. Maybe even a nice calm row boat date would be nice. A visit to the beach. Camping by a beautiful lake, enjoying a great dinner by the bonfire. And maybe spending years with them until I can take them by the hand and see them walking down the aisle. But what does it cost when you’re heartbroken. When all hopes die. Your crush LITERALLY crushes your heart. We become depressed and lonely. Lose friends and self confidence. And its much harder to be happy with yourself when society is telling us we have to be perfect and fit in to certain crowds. So what really is the meaning of love when we can’t even love ourselves?
(Comment what love means to you)
(Also I might have kinda exposed myself but eh fuck it.)