
Hey kittens. I haven’t posted in a very long time, nor do I feel that I will be sharing any more of my stories and for that I am sorry. The Call Boy was removed from Wattpad for violating policies/guidelines? Unfortunately, I have no back up and all of that work is gone. It is very frustrating when I have seen far worse on this app and they have not been removed. Perhaps I will one day return to this platform, but as for now I’m signing off. Thank you to all of you have joined my kitten army and to all of those who have read my stories. ❤️


@CrazyCatMan7 Very sorry to hear that you will not be sharing any more of your stories and the removal of The Call Boy would have been awful for you.


@CrazyCatMan7 That truly sucks. So sorry that has happened to you. Will you be utilising another platform? Or taking a break?


          	  sorry to hear that, I'll miss you . Take care . I hope we'll read your writings again one day


Hi CrazyCatMan7, 
          I'm Anaïs Garnier the founder of Weink a new and upcoming writing and reading platform created by authors. Our mission is to create a safe space for authors to share their work and earn money while still allowing readers to enjoy each book for free. We are already available on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. 
          We're interested in helping you share Turning, but we're also open to your other books. We do not ask for exclusivity so you are welcome to keep your book on other platforms if you want. We also do not ask for minimum word count or daily updates, you write what you want when you want. 
          On Weink every author earns more than 60% of any ad revenue made on their books and we are constantly adding new ways for authors to earn while still providing your book for free to allow it to be read by as many people as possible. 
          We hope you'll give us a shot at sharing your book on Weink. We are always available to answer any questions on social media and would love to have you join the Weink family. You can find us on our Instagram - and TikTok - 
          Have a great week! 
          Anaïs Garnier 
          Author & Founder of Weink


Hey kittens. I haven’t posted in a very long time, nor do I feel that I will be sharing any more of my stories and for that I am sorry. The Call Boy was removed from Wattpad for violating policies/guidelines? Unfortunately, I have no back up and all of that work is gone. It is very frustrating when I have seen far worse on this app and they have not been removed. Perhaps I will one day return to this platform, but as for now I’m signing off. Thank you to all of you have joined my kitten army and to all of those who have read my stories. ❤️


@CrazyCatMan7 Very sorry to hear that you will not be sharing any more of your stories and the removal of The Call Boy would have been awful for you.


@CrazyCatMan7 That truly sucks. So sorry that has happened to you. Will you be utilising another platform? Or taking a break?


            sorry to hear that, I'll miss you . Take care . I hope we'll read your writings again one day


This weekend, one of my real life cats, Woodrow passed over the rainbow bridge. It has been so hard coping with his loss. My husband and I adopted him seven years ago and he was our first fur baby together. The whole atmosphere in our home has changed and feels empty without him. To some people he was just a cat, but to me, he was family. He was there to comfort me when no one else could. He listened to me vent to him and was always there. I’m gonna miss the hell out of my little boy. He lived a very happy life with his brother and now he can chase all the mice he wants up in the sky. RIP Woodrow. I love you and miss you so much buddy. 


@CrazyCatMan7 I'm crying now. But I know how you feel. I have lost many pets over the 6 years of my life/I'm 16 now, and I'm sorry for your loss. May Woodrow rest in peace. <3


@CrazyCatMan7 I am sorry. I hope your getting better though.


@CrazyCatMan7 I am so sorry, I know this is late but I have only just found your amazing book, 'Turning'. I love cats I originally had 6 but now only have one. All you have to do is remember the good memories you had with him. And remember as long he is still in your heart he will always be there. Izzy xx


          I’m freaking out!! I honestly didn’t imagine this happening when I began my journey on Wattpad. I downloaded this app to read, never thinking that I would write. The more that I read, the more that I wanted to create my own world. And so Turning began. 
          Thank you to all the kittens who have taken the time to read my story. I appreciate all of you! ❤️


@CrazyCatMan7 congrats! ❤️


@Mbalii I know!! I can’t even believe it, but it makes me so happy :)


Well, you’ll be happy to hear it’s #1 on Werewolf 


Turning is number one in #gayromance 
          (0 o) 


@CrazyCatMan7 Sneaky~. And a good strategy. You're really a good writer!! Can't wait to start reading your other books.


@OceanicBookworm I definitely have plans for a sequel eventually. I’m so happy to hear that you want one too! I purposely left some questions unanswered so we can return to them 


@CrazyCatMan7 oh wow!! That's great! I was really into the story, so im glad it's getting the attention it deserves. Btw, are you still going to do the sequel? There are still so many unanswered questions about Will and Nate, so I hope so.


Hoping to return to Wattpad soon. I started working again so I don’t have a ton of free time to devote to writing anymore. With that said, I’m going to try to make time to finish up The Call Boy and also get working on The He-Witch and His Familiar. Please continue to be patient with me, I promise I will be back to uploading as soon as I can. 
          Anyways...Welcome to all the new kittens who have joined the pride! I appreciate all of you! ❤️