Sorry for the inactivity, I have been pondering my stories. I have decided to work and think about my story plots a bit longer before I start really working on my MCSM fan fictions.
I am also going to start trying to reach out to my other fandoms, like Percy Jackson, And Harry Potter.
My upcoming/ restarting stories:
The Admin Story(Xara, And Romeo's Backstory)
And a minecraft story mode high school story thing with both Jesses and stuff but Im literally still deciding all the important parts.
Herobrine and the Order
Chasing Cassie Rose (an AU where stampy dies as the third person)
An Alternate Story ( Pratically the whole MCSM series but with both gender jesses at once, oh and shipping)
The world builders (I'm still deciding if I'm acutally going to do this one.)
Harry Potter memes
Percy Jackson memes