@Cloud_Runner --Yeah I've found that too. There seems to be a base plot that people stick to, which can sometimes be quite good as long as its done well and doesn't have too many cliches, but sometimes its just nice i think to spice it up a bit every now and then! Which is what I'm trying with my story :) --Yeah you're right my story it is quite sad, but I certainly hope I manage to keep it light hearted with the 'weird and wacky' and the infamous sarcasm :) and who knows what's in store for Kai and Ryker huh? ;) I've got a small black book at home that I've got crammed with ideas for where I'm taking this story! I can't wait to shovel them into the plot! :D --Anyways enough of my rambling and hopefully getting back to writing! Thank you so much for your comment and for reading my story! :) It means a lot and I hope you enjoy the rest of it :D