
Not even gonna lie, I completely forgot that I had wattpad. I might make a new book (a couple chapters) and see how it goes, just to see if people will be interested in it. I'm not sure though, on one hand I wanna try a book again but on the other I feel like it'll just be a waste of my time. 


Not even gonna lie, I completely forgot that I had wattpad. I might make a new book (a couple chapters) and see how it goes, just to see if people will be interested in it. I'm not sure though, on one hand I wanna try a book again but on the other I feel like it'll just be a waste of my time. 


I figured I'd make an update (not that anyone cares though)... I don't know if I am ever gonna finish Hell On Earth. It's not getting any reads and it just feels like a waste of my time to keep making chapters when no one is gonna see it. 
          I haven't fully decided that I'm gonna be done writing yet, I may give it another go and see how the new chapters do. Not sure at the moment. 
          The only thing I can think of is that my Wattpad isn't updated but I dont think that would make it so I don't see if people have read the book. 


I hate to say it, but I think I may be done writing. Hell on Earth isn't getting any new reads and the newest chapters only have 1 read or nothing at all... It was going well at first but now it's not.  Im gonna think on it for a bit, I'll let you guys know if I am gonna stop or not. 


Update: Life got even more busy. After this weekend I shouldn't be as busy and I should be able to get back to working on the next chapter. I apologize for taking so long to publish the last chapter and the chapter im working on.


I have been busy dealing with life so I haven't had any time to work on chapter 8 of Hell on Earth. I am gonna try to work on it a little tonight, I would say in about 2 to 3 days I should have chapter 8 ready to publish. 
          Side note, I also do not know if it's a glitch or not but Wattpad is only showing that 1 person read chapter 7 so far. If someone could let me know if they see the same thing or something different I'd appreciate it.