Make a wish!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No, really!!! Go make one! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wish something else!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STOP!!! Wasn't that fun? :) I hope you made a great wish! :) Now to make you feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of all, if you don't send this to 5096 people in the next five seconds, you will be kidnapped by ninja elves and thrown off a high building into a pile of manure. IT'S TRUE! Because, THIS letter isn't like all of those FAKE ones, THIS one is TRUE!!! Really!!! Here's how it goes: *Send this to 1 person: One person will be annoyed with you for sending this stupid chain letter. *Send this to 2-5 people: 2-5 people will be annoyed with you for sending them a stupid chain letter. *Send this to 5-10 people: 5-10 people will be annoyed with you for sending them a stupid chain letter, and may form a plot on your life. *Send this to 10-20 people: 10-20 people will be annoyed with you for sending them a stupid chain letter and will blow up your house. Thanks!!! GOOD LUCK!!!