
I hope this note finds all of you doing well! Just wanted to come on and say thank you to everyone that has read and voted. It means so much that you like what I've written so far!
          	Hopefully, the way I have written our boys has brought you happiness. I just can't see them any other way, then the amazing, caring humans they are. Especially Lino. Never understood why he was called cruel and cold. I think, just like us, they too struggle with their emotions and negative thoughts. Yes, they are these amazing, brilliant idols. But first and foremost, they are humans with feelings. Guys who started out so young in a what can be a very cruel and grueling industry. It just felt appropriate, to me, to write those emotions and struggles in, along with Lynn's. They are learning from each other.
          	Currently, I am working on the next two chapters. I do try to stay ahead, especially as I am constantly rewriting parts before I post. Hope you all continue to enjoy the adventure!
          	Remember my beauties. You are loved, wanted, needed. Do it for yourself, because YOU matter. Be strong and courageous. Do those things that feed your soul, your mind. You can't give from an empty vessel, so make sure you fill yours up!
          	Love you!


I hope this note finds all of you doing well! Just wanted to come on and say thank you to everyone that has read and voted. It means so much that you like what I've written so far!
          Hopefully, the way I have written our boys has brought you happiness. I just can't see them any other way, then the amazing, caring humans they are. Especially Lino. Never understood why he was called cruel and cold. I think, just like us, they too struggle with their emotions and negative thoughts. Yes, they are these amazing, brilliant idols. But first and foremost, they are humans with feelings. Guys who started out so young in a what can be a very cruel and grueling industry. It just felt appropriate, to me, to write those emotions and struggles in, along with Lynn's. They are learning from each other.
          Currently, I am working on the next two chapters. I do try to stay ahead, especially as I am constantly rewriting parts before I post. Hope you all continue to enjoy the adventure!
          Remember my beauties. You are loved, wanted, needed. Do it for yourself, because YOU matter. Be strong and courageous. Do those things that feed your soul, your mind. You can't give from an empty vessel, so make sure you fill yours up!
          Love you!


this message may be offensive
Happy New Year my beauties! I hope your 2024 is full of blessings, love, laughter, lots of smut and fluff and K-pop hotness! Don't let anyone take your shine away. You are beautiful, amazing, smart and YOU MATTER. Let yourself shine bright!
          As for me, gotta get the money for a Stray Kids World Tour 2024 ticket! Whose with me? Holy fucking shit, are we ready? Christopher Bang Chan said he wants to perform shirtless in 2024. Then he gets all flirty on Bubble wanting to know if he can tease us more! Are we ready? I know I am. It's going to be a while ride and I'm excited for it!