this message may be offensive
Buying coins to read a book, are you fucking serious? I was planning on reading a book, only to realize I could only read like five chapters. If you really want to have this coing system to help authors gain money then how about you give Wattpaders a certain amount of coins a week and each 2 coins are a dollar given to the author. The Wattpaders get to CHOOSE whether or not they give the author money for their book and could have a little reminder every ten chapters(give or take) to give the author some coins if you like the story. Also, the amount of coins the Wattpaders get could be based from how much they are on the app with a minimum amount for those who aren't on Wattpad as much and if the Wattpaders WANT to pay for more coins they can DECIDE that for themselves. The authors get paid for their work, Wattpad is enjoyable, and people will recommend it to others as an AMAZING and FREE site, and Wattpad will still get paid for how many people download this app and various other things. Thank you, my rant is over.