
hello wonderful weirdos!!


Aww hun I do remember you (I'm not just saying so,I really do) Yaay 'fan' word is soo cool Lol thank you :* You actually make me smile since 'win me if u can' days xD I'm soo happy u r following my works,hope u enjoy 'Try me' Be happy,keep making me happy too  by  ur sweet nice lovely words :**


Hello @CrazyRandomHuman just wanted to say a huge thanks for the follow. I hope you enjoy my stories, would love to hear what you think.
          Btw - loooove your profile. We seem very much alike. I too am talkative yet introverted. I think of random things. My favourite one is why isn't a mouse called a truck? I mean, it could be. Once upon a time no one knew a truck was a truck so a truck could have been a mouse and a mouse could have been a truck.... we wouldn't have known any different.
          Anyway, you get my gist. :D plus I love to daydream.
          So anyway, thanks again. It's great to meet someone like me. :)


Hey @LisaStanbridge!! Sorry I replied just now....I haven't really been active for a while. Anyway it meant a lot that you took the time to post a message on my for that, thank you!!! The fact that we're much alike is crazy and awesome at the same time!
            Sorry again if I replied only after five months....
                        - with all my love for chocolate, CrazyRandomHuman