
@CrazyWrites2001 she said ugly on one of his posts and I said: did you mean to type that on your own photo? It's ok, we all make mistakes!


Axstin from vine read a comment I wrote on his insta that I said to one of his friends (I didn't know they were friends) and she followed me and DMed me saying it was fine and that her and Austin found it funny how I was so sassy. I started laughing so hard OMF 


Bad day, puked at least 6 times in 2 hours. I puked 3 times and all the food in my stomach was gone so I started to drink a Sprite to make me feel better, puked it up. Then my dad gives me Pepto saying it'll help, puked it up before I went to bed. I've woken up at least 5 times tonight, each 30 mins apart and o can't sleep and it's 1:43 am, also I have to miss school tomorrow so I'm not going to be able to finish my finals unless I do them Thursday (last day of school)