
Hey peeps I'm back. I'm just wondering if anyone is looking for a relationship cuz I am a single Pringle and wanna be loved by someone so if you want to give any love I am here. 


Sorry I haven't been online, my mental health hasn't been the best but I'm back now and will be replying to you all in the next few days. If I haven't messaged you. Then just leave me a message and if anyone wants to RP my DMs are always open. 


Guess who's back!! So I got locked out of my account but it's sorted now and I'm back. I also came out as trans a few months ago. So I'll be editting somethings. But yeah I'm here and I'm back. 


@Crazy_roleplayer congratulations on coming out!!


You forgot about me like everyone else I guess I’m just nobody everyone will forget 


            Stop guilt tripping people to get them to reply to you. That's not right and won't get you anywhere. This person hasn't replied to me, because maybe they're busy, maybe they have stuff to do and haven't had time for wattpad. Respect that instead of trying to guilt trip people to respond to you.