
New chapter is posted. I hope you like it! 


So I Just Updates ATLS! I really hope all of you Bridgeport Natives like this chapter. It was fun to write and I have so much in store for all of you. 
          Writing this is my heart and I thank all of you for your support in writing this. You're my motivation. 
          If you aren't a Bridgeport native note that have my other stories in the works for you as well. Expect a lot to be coming your way very soon my loves! 
          Wishing you the best until next time! 
          Oh P.S!! Feel free to leave messages and I'll reply to you! You can also DM me or leave comments in my stories. I'll read and reply to you. 


Oh P.S! For all my #BridgeportNatives ( from Bridgepot to D.C ) I've go y'all next! And to everyone who read ATDP I'm sorry for the wait but since that story run alongside ATLS I have to intertwine it a bit, and in order for that to be done the right way I MUST make sure that ATLS is where i need it to be. It will be updated, and no I'm not starting it over, I just have to work out eveything so the pieces fall where I need them to be.