I know I've been a bit disappeared lately, but like school got real. I've had three exams in two days (not today luckily) and tomorrow I have two more. Also I have a lot of extracurriculars (like in ten minutes I have to leave and go to one of them), but I'm trying to get back to writing here.
Also another thing that's making it difficult to write is the fact that I don't watch much Ninjago anymore. I don't have Netflix and it's difficult to find a way to watch the show.
Also I'm more into Marvel and Hamilton now so that's blocking my Ninjago inspiration in a way, but I'm figuring everything out.
Anyways, I wanted to say that I'm editing Ninja Never Quit again, after almost a year but anyway, and I'm slowly writing again the first chapter of the second story of the series (Elemental Secrets, if you don't remember the name).
Anyways, if you like Hamilton and Marvel, I write these fandoms on AO3 under the name LexTheRandom27. I only have a Hamilton fanfic at the moment but I have more stories coming so you can check it out if you're interested.
Now I gotta get ready to leave my house, byeee.