Hello everyone, long time no see
I've been absent on Wattpad for a long time now and I honestly forgot this place existed for some time simply because of life.
Actually, I've logged on because I saw an announcement that Wattpad is removing the direct/private message feature and I simply wanted to look through my old chats again. I most likely won't make a return to Wattpad though.
Yes, I'll check every now and then for some updates but besides that, I doubt that I'll ever make a full comeback.
That's why I might send some messages to some of the people, even if they won't see it ever again because Wattpad will delete it.
If someone wants to try and reach me, I'm always available on Discord under the name wiro5518
Well, I guess that's my final goodbye here, atleast for now.
I won't change anything on the account, it shall serve as a tribute to my past self, I'll only add the discord name.
I hope everyone here will have a nice life in the future and maybe, even with so many features being removed, they still will be able to create great memories like I did once.