aight so i did some pull simulations and i want you to vote what rarity skills the mc will get
53.9%, 30%, 10%, 5%, 1%, 0.1% are the chances i set it to
now vote:
6 common 1 uncommon 2 rare 1 epic 0 legendary 0 mythic
3 common 2 uncommon 4 rare 1 epic 0 legendary 0 mythic
5 common 4 uncommon 0 rare 0 epic 1 legendary 0 mythic
3 common 2 uncommon 1 rare 3 epic 1 legendary 0 mythic
5 common 4 uncommon 0 rare 0 epic 0 legendary 1 mythic
yes i used an actual gacha simulator to get all these results and picked some of the results i got from this, ill tally the vote results from here and from some others somewhere else