
Just finished editing my Hufflepuff story. I made some changes that I think are better, so I hope my readers enjoy :>


Plz update the Jennifer's body book, it's been living in the back of my mind since the last time I read it xxx


@TheMishapMix LMAO that made me giggle! Thank you for your support, I will definitely continue writing when I get the chance (*^▽^*)


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@TheMishapMix girl be fucking fr, I dug thru my entire library (which has like 400 stories on it) to check if you updated because I was so excited to remember the fic. Don't doubt your abilities when I am living proof of your success. Anyways, I totally understand the busy stuff, I've been rather busy myself so don't feel like you have to pump chapters out just because one girl on the internet told you to. If you no longer feel passion for writing, that's fine, I understand. But it would be a big shame to see you quit something because of doubt <3


@TheMishapMix  I always appreciate your comments! I don't update much because I've just been a bit busy these days and also because I just don't think I'm a very good writer, but thank you for encouraging me


The next few chapters on the Jennifer's body book were great! I love that Needy's change in style acts almost as character development but also a way to expose Jennifer's manipulative behaviour. Waiting patiently for the next chapter :)


@TheMishapMix Tysm for your comments! Honestly I was worried I had been rushing them out too soon so maybe the quality was suffering, I'm so glad you've enjoyed them. I'm working on making my chapters longer and have more visual details ;>