
Writing more has become a struggle for me. I know what I want to happen but putting those very actions onto words is difficult. There are no comments and votes on the story. I don't know whether or not to continue writing or to end it. I am starting to not like my writing and be very critical of it since what I write isn't the way I envisioned that scene in my head so, that is a disappointment.


Writing more has become a struggle for me. I know what I want to happen but putting those very actions onto words is difficult. There are no comments and votes on the story. I don't know whether or not to continue writing or to end it. I am starting to not like my writing and be very critical of it since what I write isn't the way I envisioned that scene in my head so, that is a disappointment.


I'm feeling very discouraged because I added a promotion tag on to my book, yet I feel like there is something is missing from it. No one is commenting or voting, the percentage of completed reads have gone down. I don't know what I am doing wrong because there are no comments. I can't help but be down since I see other stories with one chapter, that is about copyright information, having over 1,000+ reads. Maybe it's the idea. I don't know. But I see people who have joined around six months ago with no stories have 1,000+ followers. While I have been here for 2 years and only have 14, which I am very grateful for thank you very much, and 3 stories. I feel down. I have been stressed the past few weeks so my creativity and inspiration and what I want to do in the story isn't happening. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Please reply, I need advice on my story. The cover isn't my favorite since, the idea of it in my head isn't on paper since I would have to draw it and that isn't going well. Sorry for the pity party. Trying not to sound... you know. 