
Hey, my amazing followers. I have had a lot on my plate these last few months, and I am so sorry I haven't posted new chapters for Rebelling Luxury.  I am hoping to post a least one chapter this Sunday, so, please keep an eye out. Thank you so much for your patients and love.  :)


Hey, my amazing followers. I have had a lot on my plate these last few months, and I am so sorry I haven't posted new chapters for Rebelling Luxury.  I am hoping to post a least one chapter this Sunday, so, please keep an eye out. Thank you so much for your patients and love.  :)


Hello, my amazing followers. I know I have been radio silent for about two months now, but I wanted to inform you that I am trying to get back into the flow of writing now that school has started once again. I have 4 more chapters that I have written but aren't edited yet. 
          I would also like to ask if any of you know an editor who edits stories for free then can they please PM me. Thank you. :)