Please actually read this message because I know that personally for me, most of the time I'm too lazy to fully read author updates whoops.
Sorry for not publishing a lot lately, I'm just having a small writers block and I'm also facing some challenges that are preventing me from publishing a new chapter of "Never Have I Ever Thought."
I also just got an E on a math test but a 100 on a science test so I'm academically confused lolz, I'm trying my best okay, one second I had straight A's and then math happened.
And I'm also trying really hard to 1.Completely stop being so awkward around people I'm not already friends with and to 2.Be happy.
And I know these are all personal things that you really don't want to hear about, but if you do, I will happily edit and publish my love life thing/ journal thing here because honestly most of the time I write it late at night and its really comical.
K cool have a swell day peeps. ( I now see why people stopped using the word "swell")