Link to CommentCode of ConductWattpad Safety Portal
"By using this feature, this message will be sent to all your followers’ notification feeds instead of their newsfeeds. Please note that you can only post up to 3 announcements per day - save these for special occasions!" This what i read when i pressed the button to talk to you guys. This is a blessing! Instead of the constant clutter on Wattpad notifications, anything posted on the conversations feed will be put into folders called anouncements. FINALLY!

To be honest, I like it better rather than there being a whole load of anouncements and having to scroll through one to see if someone commented on your story. Plus, I feel like a lot of people spam the "show to all followers" button and only use those for useless updates rather than updates on books, RP's, why they can't do something on Wattpad etc..


Camp camp

"By using this feature, this message will be sent to all your followers’ notification feeds instead of their newsfeeds. Please note that you can only post up to 3 announcements per day - save these for special occasions!" This what i read when i pressed the button to talk to you guys. This is a blessing! Instead of the constant clutter on Wattpad notifications, anything posted on the conversations feed will be put into folders called anouncements. FINALLY!

To be honest, I like it better rather than there being a whole load of anouncements and having to scroll through one to see if someone commented on your story. Plus, I feel like a lot of people spam the "show to all followers" button and only use those for useless updates rather than updates on books, RP's, why they can't do something on Wattpad etc..

this message may be offensive
I finished watching the anime Michiko E Hatchin. It's a very awesome anime and did i mention that Michiko is dark-skinned? That will make people go crazy. As I was saying, the ending kinda made me pissed of. I was like ALL THIS FUCKING TROUBLE FOR SOME GRINGO WHO RAN AWAY AFTER PROBABLY A ONE NIGHT STAND UUUUUUUUGGGGGUGHGHGUHGUHGUHGHUGUHGHUGHUGUHGHUGGHHUGGHGUBGHUGHUGUHGHUGHUGUHGHUGHUGBHUGHUGHHUGHUGHHUGHJNHUGBYUHGHBGYGUFHY *brain fart* But seriously, the show is great and there are a lot of side characters that I wished made more appearances.

This is an update. I might be making a series of fanfictions based on the anime Ghost Stories (I would call it season 2). It will be a mix of many otherworldly spirits from many cultures. I might add in a Crossover with that and Supernatural (I have to watch the series. Looks quite interesting). Just an update. Bye

Hello everyone, I am here to spread the word about the current trend right now. People are continuously spamming and pinging for no reason... I know a lot of people are sad because of this. We are to notify our followers in moderation. Honestly, the conversation board is supposed to be used for updates on you, or updates on your books.. Or sometimes self promo... but in the end it all ends up with people angry everyday for 99+ pings. Stop this dumb trend and be an up-stander! Spread the word, Raynlyn

@RaynSakamoto THANK YOU SOO HECKING MUCH! Finally I’m not the only one who is against this update! So Rayn, I made a petition to remove this update and it would be awesome if you signed it.

Girl or boy?

Made a petition to stop Cristali https://www.change.org/p/susan-wojcicki-get-rid-of-cristali-valdroxx

I have made a petition to get rid of this update https://www.change.org/p/wattpad-remove-harmful-update-on-wattpad?recruiter=871207443&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition

Your welcome. This petition needs to get a lot of support. You have to share this with other wattpad users