
im starting to write HEAT which is a smut book, pm me if you want me to write about a specific topic.


HᴇYʏYʏ ʜOᴡs IT GᴏɪNɢ? 


@BrookeDavidsonNo2 oh then how do u trust it so 


@CreativityHasFallen I erm well ah *bows head* I cannot


@BrookeDavidsonNo2 oh yes indeed, how can u prove that the right date lol 


Want to co-write with someone? Are you 15+ years? Are you native or fluent in English? Check out: CO-WRITE WITH ME :)
          This book, which I began recently, is a list of stories I want to co-write with someone. Comment/message/reply if you're interested and check it out. If you want to write a book with me and have other ideas, please contact me.


sure no problem b 
          i already checked them out. i will read them as soon as i am done with my exams


@YoghurtIsLife sorry for the late reply lol, umm, I think you should just write what you originally intended in your scrapbook, if it doesn't included sex because, Idk, it's too easy. After having sex, they are obviously going to lust after each other and it'll blind the line between lust and love. I'll respect your decision, but I think you shouldn't write the sex scene on the very first chapter.  


@CreativityHasFallen that is great i totally get what you are saying. Thank you tho 
            Anyways I am stuck in my book. I want to take down the first chapter and just write what i wrote in my scrap book. I really do not want them to just have sex at the first chapter. So what do you think?


@YoghurtIsLife I doubt you'll be "bothering" anyone, but ig it's good to know you can break and pick yourself up. Just know, that sometimes a little help may not be needed, but it is comforting to know someone can back you up, but ultimately, you have yourself. It's not that bad to rely on someone if you truly do need it :)


          I don't seem to have a life. I pull an allnighter to read and use my daytime to write. If anyone can find an extra life under their bed or closet, can you send it to me please. I'm starting to annoy even myself, hehehe-I'M THAT TALENTED!
          This is my announcement: PLEASE CHECK OUT and she used to eat flowers BY ME. It should be seen in my profile.
          I do realize the title is a little quirky, but try it out, I just published it so it's only at the beginning, but do give it a shot. 
          Thank you for your wonderful time. Smile. OR DON'T. . . .totes up (like that smile) to you :)


this message may be offensive
what an annoying piece of type 6 shit i am. two announcements in one day! TWO! gowd, i'd ignore myself too, tbh. ok, well, over with the pity party, here's what i wanna say:
          CHECK OUT. . . .i forgot the title. wait hold up a minute. GOT IT! CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK: BIBLE OF INSULTS. GIVE IT A TRY PLEASE THANK YOU! WHY AM I STILL WRITING IN CAPS, eh. 
          comment, vote and share please :)


@YoghurtIsLife I'm glad my lack of life is amusing to you :)