
II have posted the co-authored story I've been working on with my good friend Silver. The first three chapters are up. It's called "The foreign Immortal."


Hey aja just a random idea my cousin has thought of an idea maybe you can make seeing as we aren't that good at making a book but the main idea in his words are
          I wonder what  would it be like if tank Dempsey took jacks Darby's  place instead like he becomes jack Darby but was able to summon guns from his original universe to fight with the autobots and have more a combat role in the story  and can help the autobots fight back and help do stealth missions for them


Hello Aj, (should I call you Aj?) I recently Read your Book. Specifically Frostwing and I must say I liked it, unlike most writers you took the episode by the Balls [Pardone my French] and Forcefully made your Character change the original Timeline like Starscream, he was nice. That was Rare and I implore you for that, I will check in from time to time. See how you are doing and healthy. My Personal TFP Book is Currently undergoing the Phase of merging all the Darkness rising parts into one MEGA CHAPTER. I hope you read this Message well and good fortune blessed upon you by the Stars! 


@CreatorAja its already out and floating about but its my first book so in my opinion the first Chapters suck but slowly get better over time, my currently Small Reading list of Wattpad's Rare gems have some good books so feel free to look at them.


@Shashou1987 1 the name is Aja. (Its okay, im not upset, just wanted to correct you before you locked Aj in) 2 im glad you liked my books. I wanted to stay true to the canon storyline but I also wanted to fix some of the common mistakes the bots kept making. (I know, plot reasons, but eh.) 3 let me know when you start posting your TFP book. Im always on the lookout for good transformers books but so many of them are basically carbon copies with minor changes.


Are your books on hiatus  currently?
          If they are then take as long as you need if not well…… same thing take as long as you need to make your book since a well thought out peace of work that takes 3 years is better than a book that took 2 hours to write 


@Lionprid actuallly, 2 out of 3 of my books are completely finished. And the third one Foreign Immortal, is also finished, i just dont currently have the time to upload. The other books I'm working on are nowhere near ready to be uploaded.