
I wake up fine and dandy, but then by the time I find it handy.
          	I'm takin over my body back in control no more shotty.
          	I haven't found a drop of life, and that's all I have and it's all that I need.
          	I'm standing in front of you, I'm trying to be so cool, everything together... Trying to be so cool.
          	Please use discretion when you're messing with the message men... Do me a favor and try to ignore when you watch him fall through the blatant  trapdoor. You gotta bleed enough, that you're alive and have a soul... My soul is freezing, hell's hot for good reason. So please... Friend, please remove your hands from over your eyes from me. 
          	Nobody thinks what I think, nobody thinks when they blink thing things on the brink of blasphemy, things are after me. 
          	Cause nobody knows she's alive... 


I wake up fine and dandy, but then by the time I find it handy.
          I'm takin over my body back in control no more shotty.
          I haven't found a drop of life, and that's all I have and it's all that I need.
          I'm standing in front of you, I'm trying to be so cool, everything together... Trying to be so cool.
          Please use discretion when you're messing with the message men... Do me a favor and try to ignore when you watch him fall through the blatant  trapdoor. You gotta bleed enough, that you're alive and have a soul... My soul is freezing, hell's hot for good reason. So please... Friend, please remove your hands from over your eyes from me. 
          Nobody thinks what I think, nobody thinks when they blink thing things on the brink of blasphemy, things are after me. 
          Cause nobody knows she's alive... 


Para mi leer es transportarme a un mundo nuevo, transformarme en personajes, derramar lágrimas, reír, asustarme, pensar. Para mi escribir es que las personas puedan sentir lo mismo que yo siento, que compartan esas emociones conmigo y con todos, pero que puedan transformar su mundo con tan solo...palabras.
          Mis libros salen de mi mente, de mi corazón, de mis experiencias, pero sobretodo son las cosas cotidianas que hacen que mi imaginación fluya, porque yo soy de la idea de que un simple acto puede cambiar tu mundo entero y yo quiero cambiar su mundo y que ayuden a cambiar el mío.