Heyyyyyy so so so so SO sorry we haven't been (I should totally do a 'play on words' with that... Next time..) on! It's been what... (2,500.2 spam messages later from people on here) A month? Maybe two? Anyways we should be able to update more. As long as -sarcastically gestures to Smile and Grinny- Someone's don't claw the keyboard and chase the 'mouse'.
Smile: In my defen-
Zip it. Not in the mood for your chatter.
So yeah. We SHOULD be able to update.
And I'm gonna go before I'm killed by a mad demon dog thingy... BYE! <you'll never know who wrote this update>
No. Really. I'm not telling.
W..why are you still reading?
I'm not telling you who wrote this.
Fine. FINE. Just cause I don't want someone else here to claim to 'be smart'.
Updated by BEN. BEN Drown.