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I going back peddle on Endless loops of madness, I realised, I put myself in a position of, oh fuck, I now need to create a new reason for they they met.
          	While it works, it’s awkward because I added distance instead. 
          	I’m going to redo chapter 40 and 41. 


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I going back peddle on Endless loops of madness, I realised, I put myself in a position of, oh fuck, I now need to create a new reason for they they met.
          While it works, it’s awkward because I added distance instead. 
          I’m going to redo chapter 40 and 41. 


I been wanting to fix and edit Endless loop of madness
          For the the reasons of
          Better ideas that would fit earlier plots, fix point in it that were set up, and then I kinda Never return to. 
          Fix spelling and grammar mistakes 
          (Y/n) in that story is very fun to write in the earlier chapters and I want to explore that idea of (y/n) being her own ✨girl boss, gaslight, gate keep queen.✨
          I want set up more ideas earlier on for later chapters.
          Because as I wrote more I was like, what if. And never returned to make it work fully. 
          While I do want to keep overal plot I think more time in a lot point. 
          So I thinks I’ll spilt it up to different loops. I also want to better explain and get the point across of what the rules are of these loops.
          I got my old notes and I’m prepared to rework and edit that large 40 chapter story.


Hello, I wanted to tell you that your books are very interesting and good. I was wondering if you would give me your opinion on one I'm making of Fnaf. I like those books and their games.


            Hey, thank you, I can give you some tips
            Just have fun, I just write because I enjoy it. I publish parts when I feel like I do with the part but these days, I’m always harbouring on parts due trying to get them to be how I want the to be. That’s fine, because once I’m done and publish, I can do go to next already partly do chapter because I rush a head.
            If you’re plan to make a story,
            Make  sure you write down ideas, even if they won’t be used, I written stories all because of one idea, and that idea was never used. 
            Please use paragraphs - change in focus matter or topic. It is easier on the eyes and helps things be more readable. A paragraph minimum 3 sentences unless it’s a scene to emphasis on a feeling or if it suits the current situation happening. 
            A different line for a different person speaking and she said, he said. A words saying one spoke isn’t needed most of the time, if there isn’t a change in the way they spoke.
            Don’t stress yourself if your story isn’t going the way you wanted to, you can always became back and change, edit and make it how you want.
            Try not to rush a head on the chapters as you might finish chapter so and so, but your ideas for the next one might of changed. I do this a lot and lose parts in the madness of my drafts.
            You don’t need to jump to the next chapter, do whatever gets you to write because I find going onto a blank page difficult to start writing again, unless I write somewhere else and copy it over just to be able to write. 
            I do move my writing around on different programs like on laptop, onto word then a text to speech to help me read (I’m dyxlexic and sometimes when I read I don’t read my mistakes, or when there isn’t a mistake but my things there is.) if you do make anything and need any assistance, make sure you don’t copy it twice. It had happened a few times.
            There is a Messaging area on this app, if you have any questions, please feel free to message me, and I’ll respond as soon as I can.


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The PLAN!!!
          For Not just us
          - main focus
          - It will a smooth sailing with thing mostly planned 
          - meaning in 10 chapters or so there might be a end in sight. Well I have the end somewhat planned. 
          - I wanted this story to contain what happens in sister location but I decided not to have that
          - will have a epilogue 
          Endless loop of madness
          - fuck it I’m changing things in it
          - I’m unhappy with parts of it and it been stuck on the same few chapters all because I want to write the future parts that I have also been writing because woohoo, progress and actually I got an idea.
          - hehe  I got an idea 


          What’s your thoughts on my Characters like max and Alex for More than series (more than friends and more than just us)
          I know where I want to go with more than just us and I know how I want to end that story. How I feel like Max and Alex would need a proper endings. So if you’ll like once More than just us ends, would anyone like to see a short story of max and Alex get an happy ending in there own story. 
          The ending of more than just us is long time away but I want to know, if that anyone would like to see. 


I watched the fnaf movie today,
          And I enjoyed it. It was a silly movie and it’s was what I experienced, a silly and very has that spin off vibe of it.
          For a movie alright. I can see why people might not like it but I found enjoyed it. Slow pace and no real jump scares. 
          It’s a spin off, and a retelling of fnaf 1.
          No jump scares really for being fnaf and that games.
          // spoilers//
          // spoilers//
          My biggest issues with it: 
          Venessa knew too much and it felt as if she was  kinda spoon feed me information I already knew. Even for those who didn’t know fnaf or about it’s lore, their could of been better ways of getting that information out. Like old news articles, that she could of placed around the place. Their was so many ways to tell what happened without having some women explain it to Mike. It would of been more of a dialogue if Mike went to her asking about stuff he found and asking if they are true. 
          Fnaf doesn’t spoon feed information, you had too dig for that stuff.
          I didn’t feel bad for Vanessa, she was could been this mysterious character that dropped hints, even if we know already the lore.
          Back in the day when fnaf came out, I was hooked, then when the theories started, I was more interested because the information to piece together the lore, people had to almost work of it and it was how fuelled my love for fnaf. Anything that make me have to put in effort to get the full picture makes me more invest in something. But watching it.
          It didn’t feel like fnaf. It felt like a movie that tried to be for fans while trying to pander for most people. Not everyone likes having information spoon fed to them and it why it’s my biggest problem with the movie. I hope the next movie doesn’t spoon feed the information. 


I finished playing ruin
          If you haven’t seen or haven’t played beware this has spoilers 
          It was fun.
          Got the lift ending where it crashes and Roxy appears.
          Roxy made me sad. Poor cassy having no friends and Roxy be the only one being a good friend. The real friend is Roxy man. 
          Freddy is a protocol  and the real Freddy escaped with Gregory because at the end Gregory guided cassy to the lift. 
          He mentioned someone being with him and that being Freddy. Freddy is with Gregory. 
          I knew it couldn’t of been Gregory because children don’t tend to know about security stuff.


@BelleClark The ending where cassy just gets to scared, she mental breaks and hides within the mask. Where Vanessa seems to in the distance but blanked eyes, where meaning no longer connected to the system or offline on the system. Helpi is also there, and the happy Gregory has already been see before in the game. 
            Roxi race way part, you can see cassy and Gregory. Since cassy is plugged in to the system through a chip, it could possible be using her memories, as she just been thinking about Gregory to keep herself calm. Gregory gone missing poster might be of something that’s in her mind, as they shouldn’t of been there, and they are only seen in the mask. Which the other things like cassy other memories of having Roxy only has a friend. There is a part where Roxy and cassy are around each other as cardboard cut outs, these are cassy’s memories.


@BelleClark Vanessa left with Gregory and Freddy as the Freddy you see in game is only a prototype. So it’s could be assumed Freddy left with Gregory and went along Venessa. 
            This is the only thing that makes sense to me, as there’s no sight Freddy, Vanessa or Gregory, and she knew him from outside the place. So it confirms for me that he and Freddy at least escaped.
            Burn trap is the thing that locked away behind concrete. Either Gregory and Venessa put the concrete there or the blob, either way that thing was meant to be sealed away. The thing that mimicked Gregory’s voice. That’s the same character. At the start of you run down the the stairs fast enough you can the blob going up as if leaving.
            What spoilt the game for me, is that I understood that Gregory shouldn’t of known about security know and at some points Gregory was being pushy. I got the impression that Gregory wasn’t him or it was a mix between real and fake.
            The ending where the real him starting made me doubt everything, was that the real, Gregory or just the thing chancing just playing a game before it gets cassy. As even if she goes in the lift the thing mimics Gregory again before causing the lift to drop.


@Creepyperson102 im wondering whatever happened to Vanessa and/or Burntrap


Been playing the new DLC (ruin)
          Cool things I found.
          The pause menu told me “That mask really suits you”
          That’s about it because I just got past daycare and yeah.
          It’s a very linear game, it follows a path and that’s fine and to me the game is fun, I been enjoying.
          I have took notes but I’ll probably post them on Friday.


@BelleClark no, not yet, but will be tonight or tomorrow.


@Creepyperson102 have u finished it yet? I love the game ^_^