Hey, thank you, I can give you some tips
Just have fun, I just write because I enjoy it. I publish parts when I feel like I do with the part but these days, I’m always harbouring on parts due trying to get them to be how I want the to be. That’s fine, because once I’m done and publish, I can do go to next already partly do chapter because I rush a head.
If you’re plan to make a story,
Make sure you write down ideas, even if they won’t be used, I written stories all because of one idea, and that idea was never used.
Please use paragraphs - change in focus matter or topic. It is easier on the eyes and helps things be more readable. A paragraph minimum 3 sentences unless it’s a scene to emphasis on a feeling or if it suits the current situation happening.
A different line for a different person speaking and she said, he said. A words saying one spoke isn’t needed most of the time, if there isn’t a change in the way they spoke.
Don’t stress yourself if your story isn’t going the way you wanted to, you can always became back and change, edit and make it how you want.
Try not to rush a head on the chapters as you might finish chapter so and so, but your ideas for the next one might of changed. I do this a lot and lose parts in the madness of my drafts.
You don’t need to jump to the next chapter, do whatever gets you to write because I find going onto a blank page difficult to start writing again, unless I write somewhere else and copy it over just to be able to write.
I do move my writing around on different programs like on laptop, onto word then a text to speech to help me read (I’m dyxlexic and sometimes when I read I don’t read my mistakes, or when there isn’t a mistake but my things there is.) if you do make anything and need any assistance, make sure you don’t copy it twice. It had happened a few times.
There is a Messaging area on this app, if you have any questions, please feel free to message me, and I’ll respond as soon as I can.