
While I'm trying to come up with ideas for THE SLEEPER I might as well go ahead and tell you guys that I plan on making an entire trilogy and maybe even more if I can come up with ideas. 
          	So far these are the stories I have planned for the trilogy: 
          	THE SLEEPER
          	THE GHØST CIRCLE 
          	LIQUID HATRED 


While I'm trying to come up with ideas for THE SLEEPER I might as well go ahead and tell you guys that I plan on making an entire trilogy and maybe even more if I can come up with ideas. 
          So far these are the stories I have planned for the trilogy: 
          THE SLEEPER
          LIQUID HATRED 


So what I got planned for redoing my version of Jeff Jeffrey Thorn. The story is gonna be following through with two police officers that are investigating a series of murders and there had been a recent one last night, and they go down with this rabbit hole where they interview people of Stillwater County, Michigan and come to find out that the stories that they are telling about there encounters with our favorite deranged psychopath and soon eventually it's discovered that the recent murder and the encounter stories told have some sort of lineup to a decade old cold case that had happened four years ago in 2015 because as of we speak the main timeframe of the story will take place in 2018 and eventually sooner or later they find Liu who has gone under witness protection and changed his name to Roman Hodek to prevent Jeff from finding him and finishing off what he had started. Also it will be seen that Liu Thorn aka Roman Hodek has moved on to another town somewhere in Michigan but far from Stillwater County a place called Ravenmore County. 


So yeah this is my reboot of Jeff The Killer


Good. Just remember. Putting a rough draft on paper before you go all out really helps and character mapping is very important.


@Ravensikkness I've been carefully planning this one and I think I've perfected it. Won't be deleting this one 


@CreepystoRie5 and don't you dare delete it!! You're an excellent storyteller. The prologue has my attention.


So I may be doing a Friday The 13th story next so stay tuned 


@CreepystoRie5 Well nobody has ever done Jason In The Snow that could be done. 


@CreepystoRie5 I'm excited to see your take on it! I'm trying to think of ideas for mine, I want to do something crazy that no one has done before 


@CreepystoRie5 hell yeah! I've been planning on one myself! I own the first 8 movies of the franchise on FKA Vudu now known as Fandango At Home, so I've been studying.


A few things to note about Anatomical Precision:
          For starters, Jeff's family's name in this story is "Crane", not "Woods", that was a mistake on my part. 
          Secondly, there will be a total of eleven chapters to this story (yes I already have them all) 
          Third and last but not least, I have a question for you guys. Would you like me to just publish all the chapters now? Or maybe just one or two a day? 
          Your call