Eu sunt Adryyy (fată nebunăăă :))) )
Am 14 ani si imi plac filmele de horror, SF, actiune,thriller si mister. Stiu, am preferințe cam ciudate pentru o fata :)). Mulți îmi spun ca sunt ciudata, but you know what! I don't care!!:P I'll never change who I am.
De obicei cand ma plictisesc citesc pe wattpad , ma uit la creepypasta-uri si animeuri sau ascult muzica retragandu-ma in lumea mea. 。^‿^。

It amazes me how some people can drop you out from their lives like you never existed after you shared all you have with them.

Monsters aren't under your bed, they are inside your head.

Smiling was always easier than explaining why are you sad.

"I'll always be here for you!" they said....
Than they left.

My fillings?
Don't worry about them
No one does.

I've endured the worst times of my life alone.
I don't need anyone.
If you are in my life it's because I value you and want you there.

You will forget about me.
But it's ok, I'm used to it.
There's a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger.

Hope, but never expect.
Look forward, but never wait.

Dacă vrei sa vorbim, trimite-mi un mesaj si voi încerca să-ți răspund cât mai curând! ;*
  • Într-o bibliotecă părăsită.
  • BergabungAugust 4, 2016

2 Daftar Bacaan