
@KickinHigh Hush Hush fans unite XD
          	O.O Uhm i can't remember. I have bad memory XD No joke. 
          	Yay asians :P


Selamat Pagi, 
          hai Hektor gimana kabar mu dan bunda varsha??  aku pengen nanya boleh ya?? menurut kamu tante varsha sama om regen cocok ngak kalo pacaran ?? atau nikah gitu??  terus gimana sama latihan gitar kamu??  udah ada perkembangannya??  kalo kamu udah jago main gitar, mainin sebuah lagu buat aku yahh hehe lagu apa aja boleh kok :). ok udah segitu ajah yah, bye Hektor
          your fan ^^


Jakarta, 1 Maret 2016
            Selamat sore.
            Halo, Kak. Kabarku sama Bunda alhamdulillah baik-baik aja.
            Ayah sama Bunda bilang mereka pacaran setelah nikah, Kak.
            Lumayan sih. Aku udah bisa mainin beberapa lagu. Tapi masih kaku, kadang masih suka lupa kunci, belum luwes banget kayak Ayah. 


hello im going to read your story now the cover looks good. Perhaps you could read my book Parable its science fiction with a twist. Dont read Lara lavender its a mess if you read parable ill be dilighted thank you.


Oh my god, we sound almost the exact same, aha.
          Greek mythology is known as my thing to the people who know me. I went through the EXACT same book phases as you, and surprisingly I even read the Percy Jackson series in grade five as well ;D