
Two chapters written, there'll be a definite update this Sunday and the one after!


Just finished writing a new chapter of Sky Demons. A lot happens in this one so I'm hoping to read it through a few more times and perhaps make some more edits before I upload on Saturday.
          I'm excited to give any  readers I still have a new chapter after so long, but I'm even more excited to start on the next one- the pacing should really pick up again now!


Hi, I want to take part in the wattys so I'm splitting the Sky Demons into three books instead of three parts, which I was debating even before uploading. So you'll find some chapters deleted and submitted elsewhere.
          Following a discussion with my brother I'll also be editing some elements of the first book to be complete before the wattys deadline. Sorry if this inconveniences my readers at all- I did not know books being submitted for wattys had to be completed within around a year.


Thank you for your vote and lovely comment on Rebellion, my entry for a competition.
          I hope you can check out my other work too.


@Crescentfeathermoon Thank you. That's a lovely thing to hear!


@opulent_ You're welcome, I'd actually already added Perfection to my library to find later (or at least thought I had, I need to check it's there) so I'll definitely take a look at some point.


Hey, it's been a while since I posted anything what with A-level exams and inflamed appendixes but I'm free for a whole year now (when not working)! So hopefully I'm going to be updating a lot more often, but first off I have some major changes I want to make to my current novel:
          Setsuna's name has been changed to Serefk'na (Ser-eff-kuh-na)
          The species name deisha has been changed to deishani
          Tigre is now part yellow spectrumosa instead of red.
          In short to make these changes I've had to edit all my already completed chapters and will have to re-upload them which I'll be doing today. I'm really sorry if this causes your inbox to be flooded with update notices (I only recently discovered it did that) but I would like to make these changes and hopefully I can make it up to you by updating a lot more frequently now.
          Thanks again, hope you stick with me and enjoy reading.


Now I see how you found my writing haha. When I saw the book you were writing I was like "AW HELL NAW" because at first I thought you had stolen my idea. But I read a little bit of it so i know it's nothing like my story. By the way you're writing is really good.


oh don't apologize, stuff like this happens all the time, don't worry about it. You're very welcome


I'm sorry to have made you worry about your idea being stolen, but thank you very much for reading some of mine, I'm glad you like it. :)