
In all seriousness, I dunno if anyone will answer, but what do you prefer: first person or third? Like when you're reading which one do you feel like you're more connected to the characters in? 


I like first person best. Connections and understanding of a character is better this way, and you aren’t limited to one characters POV. Where as third person; if not done correctly, can end up everywhere and lose the reader in confusion.


@Cresil21 first because I feel like I'm experiencing it but both are ok just I prefer first


@Cresil21 I can get lost in a good  story  no matter  which is chosen, so I probably won't be able to help you with this problem.


In all seriousness, I dunno if anyone will answer, but what do you prefer: first person or third? Like when you're reading which one do you feel like you're more connected to the characters in? 


I like first person best. Connections and understanding of a character is better this way, and you aren’t limited to one characters POV. Where as third person; if not done correctly, can end up everywhere and lose the reader in confusion.


@Cresil21 first because I feel like I'm experiencing it but both are ok just I prefer first


@Cresil21 I can get lost in a good  story  no matter  which is chosen, so I probably won't be able to help you with this problem.


Sorry about not posting sooner on Now That We're Enemies Do You Hate Me! I've been really sick and I can't seem to write anything that makes sense. I've been a storm of coughing and sneezing and I've been drinking medicine and it didn't work, I've been guzzling down soup, and drinking this ginger, cinnamon, lemon, garlic tea. You heard me right GARLIC >~< it's taste like Death. Literal death. But it clears my throat better than the cough medicine and it burns on the way down like the first time I drank holy water, so it's probably working, right? Anyways, hopefully next week I can get in a long chapter in for you guys! I'm just dying, I haven't stopped writing! And this is getting really long so 'night! I love you all!!!! =~=


@Cresil21 Thanks! I haven't been able to write a thing. The stuff I published I wrote last week before I got sick. I stopped the fevers though! Thank glob. :3


@Cresil21 Hope you get better soon


So I realized that MAYBE I was TOO eager with publishing Careless Encounters. >~<
          So I kinda just rushed it out there not delivering my best work, so I unpublished it and will be rewriting a few things and then republishing it. :3
          It's really hard finding actors that look perfect to fit the profile of characters, but I'm going to try so that I don't take the easy way out of using animated pictures. x_x
          Hopefully it gets a lot better. ^~^
          I'm still working on Now That We're Enemies, I'm writing a chapter tonight. :)
          Byeeee for now~~~!


Please give my new book Careless Encounters a read see if you like it, I already released 11 chapters! And I am continuing Now That We're Enemies Do You Hate Me? I've released two new chapters. I'm trying to upload about every three days. 
          I know I've been gone forever and probably lost most of my fans by now. 
          But I'm hoping to get back into writing and hopefully getting some of my fans back along with a few new ones. I missed you guys.