
@TEMMTE Thanks, Tegan! I appreciate the kind words! Hope you enjoy Blueblood through and through! Best of luck on you own writing. 


Hi Everyone -Thanks so much for your support here on's been overwhelming (almost 1 million reads)!
          I wanted to let you know that the sequel to A Reason to Live, BLUEBLOOD, will be FREE for Kindle on Amazon next week for two days only, February 12-13. The link is Mark you calendar and tell your friends!


@AdrianJCLe Hi Adrian. Thanks for reading A Reason to Live. I don't consciously emulate Lee Child, though I'm a fan, both of the prose in general and his writing style. High praise! Thank you.
          Re: ethical guidance. Couple of things here: While the book is available for free here on Wattpad and I am charging ($2.99) on Amazon, I consider the two different mediums. Very few of my readers who have bought the Kindle version for their e-reader would read the entire novel on their phone. And, when you consider the different mediums, then different price points follow. For instance, the paperback version of ARTL is $14.99, but I don't lower it just because it's available digitally for $2.99. 
          Re: publishers: if you mean Amazon, in a sense, the answer is: somewhat. My posting of ARTL on Wattpad keeps me from participating in the Amazon Select program--which requires exclusivity in return for some marketing advantages--but does *currently* not preclude me from offering outside of the Select program. 
          Having said that, if Amazon ever considers Wattpad a threat in the future, they may require price matching, i.e., if it's free here, it's got to be free on Amazon, as well. Wattpad would then have to respond by either charging for some books or saying goodbye to quite a few good writers.
          Lastly, to split hairs: as pertains to my work, Amazon is a distributor, not a publisher, so they don't get to tell me what I can and can't publish. A true, traditional publisher, however, would take a very dim view of one of their published works being on Wattpad for free. Can't see it happening.