
Taking a short break from writing for a little bit till I can determine how to properly finish my story :S


Hey if you wouldn't mind, I would love it if you would read my new story Teacher's Pet. I can see by your library that you like teacher/student relationships. So I thought you might like my new story. Only it's kind of different from all the other teacher/student stories I've seen on here. Instead of a male teacher and a female student, it's a female teacher and a male student. Well if you do decide to check it out, please do let me know what you think. Thanks!


Hey !!
          I would suuuuper love your opinion on my newest story The Summer Before
          It isn't a student/teacher story but has just as much scandal, maybe even more. I'd love to hear what you think ^^
          It would mean the world to me :)


          Lol. You can ramble any time, your ramble is quite entertaining :p 
          And yes, I wouldn't say ramble, I would say it was bragging hahahaa 
          Just joking ^^
          You are so lucky, I can't remember one time in my school life where there was not even 1 hot teacher >< 
          Oh, my luck. Is it such a crime to have eye candy whilst learning, if you ask me, it would be more motivation. You'd actually want to go to school right? Hahaa. 
          I know what your thinking right now .. 
          *Cough* Perve *Cough*
          lols. It ain't a crime .. 
          Actually wanting to like your teachers :DD
          Now who's rambling ? 
          When I finish the next part of Test Me, which I am doing right now, I plan to read some more of A twisted Identity and I gotta say, I am excited ^^


@spazzxstick lol ^^ It was quite the surprise XD  *grins* oh speaking of which that reminds me O.O the guy on the new cover of test me (as of this moment) looks a little like a special ed teacher at my high school O.O :S so many of the girls were falling over him he did some modeling gigs for a while and ... lets see lets see >< which magazine was it ugh people kept waving it around when his back was turned (he was also the yoga instructor so girls flocked to the class like sheep) lets see ... oh well it doesn't matter what magazine it is here is a picture i just found 

          lol its not the best but it gets the point across :P *grins* of course he wasn't exactly my kind of guy lol :P but i still appreciated his looks XD (we had other teachers that were more my style 9.9 he was too ... sweet ... for me) 
          hmmm i'm rambling :/ im always rambling aren't i?
          anyhow :)
          Caoi for now!