O. M. mutherfudging....G! Tales of a Shifter! series! Aaaaaaghghghghghh! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE!!!!! Please tell me you're good and are going to update part 6 soon!!! This series actually took me a couple weeks to catch up to the latest chapter of book 6! I mean, I did have some things going on in my life that kept me from reading like a mad woman like I had been before(punching out a book-with a certain amount/length of chpaters) stuff had happened and I barely had any time to read! But, I'm getting back into reading a little more so, I'm catching up! Haha! Anyway, just wanted to say AMAZING JOB AUTH!!!!! Seriously, you got me HOOKED!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 rounds of applause!!!!!^v^