
Tales of a Shifter (B7) - Era Of War
          	Massive UPDATE. Please come check it out! Dont forget to like and comment!


@CrimmsonPetals Hi author I hope you're doing well. x)
          	  I'll read everything as soon as possible!


O. M. mutherfudging....G! Tales of a Shifter! series!  Aaaaaaghghghghghh! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE!!!!! Please tell me you're good and are going to update part 6 soon!!! This series actually took me a couple weeks to catch up to the latest chapter of book 6! I mean, I did have some things going on in my life that kept me from reading like a mad woman like I had been before(punching out a book-with a certain amount/length of chpaters) stuff had happened and I barely had any time to read! But, I'm getting back into reading a little more so, I'm catching up! Haha! Anyway, just wanted to say AMAZING JOB AUTH!!!!! Seriously, you got me HOOKED!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 rounds of applause!!!!!^v^


Tales of a Shifter (B6) - Child of Sun and Moon UPDATE
          Chapter 36- The Haze will to publish automatically on Friday, August 04, 2023 at 2:00 PM EDT.
          TOAS Shifter is OFFICALLY back for updates!  Thank you all for the patience and I hope you love what you see on Friday!!


Cruel Pleasures has been officially Launched, edited and posted on GALATEA!
          "Enjoying the story and excited to read more? You can find the rest on Galatea! Click the link in my bio to read!"


@CrimmsonPetals I understand, and I will definitely read your other books.
            Thanks for the reply 


@CrimmsonPetals Honestly, it's just been a really hard Last six months. Lost of loss and money stuff, but I'm FREE now and I'm able to focus on my love. Writing. I'm not going to lie and say it will be updated this month or next month but I am writing and have well over 50 to 60 chapters saved up I just want to edit and finish the book before I put it out. In the mean time I'm posting other stuff from my backlog. I appreciate all your support and I am grateful that you even care enough about the series to ask after it. I hope I can make u happy with an update in the coming weeks!! 


@CrimmsonPetals dear author, I hope you're doing well. 
            I just want to know if there will be any updates in the Tales of Shifter 6.
            Love your stories. Stay safe ❤️


Hiiii! I just getting into your shifters series though I started on a different app and was literally blown away to see you had sooo much more in the series haha I’m so happy! You definitely have some talent & you fs deserve more recognition & I hope one day you get there! Quick question how many books do you plan to have in the series? I’m scared of it never being finished & you stop writing 


@CrimmsonPetals Omggg yayy I am very excited to read more of your work! Keep it going & I’ll continue supporting the best way I can 


@Saiyan379 thank you for all the kind words and thank you for being a fan and for following my page I don't plan to drop Tales of a shifter at all and the series itself will be written in branches so I can't really determine personally how many books there will be in the end but lots of different characters will get dedicated series that focus on whatever struggle they might be facing whether that's the leopard Clan or some other shifter clan in the future that I choose to explore for now books one through six center on the leopard Clan but the next set of books will focus on a different shifter plan and have a new cast of characters I am committed to finishing the series and have no desire to stop writing and have been writing all my life I hope that you continue to support me and I hope that I never disappoint you as a reader


Hello, yo anyone that's been following Tales of a Shifter series (B6) Child of Sun & Moon  will be back to regular updates starting next Monday. Hope you enjoy. Sorry for the hiatus. 2022 has been knocking me on my ass. Lol. 
          Much love and God Bless.