It was around 10:30 in the evening and I was literally dozing off to go to sleep. My phone was playing on Youtube so I couldn't turn it off and since it didn't have a replay setting, I had to restart the song over and over again.
On the third replay, I noticed that a chat bubble was on the edge of my screen. I opened it and my friend was literally panicking. I asked him why. He said that he needed me to send a message then delete it immediately. I did. He told me to do it again. I did. I asked him what was wrong and that if he was okay.
Turns out, he accidentally dialed his ex-crush that he's trying to get over. He was having a panic attack and he didn't know what to do. I told him to calm down and drink some water. It helped a little bit. He was asthmatic and his inhaler run out so I immediately took my emergency one and ran over to his house immediately.
His parents weren't home and since I didn't want him tiring himself anymore, I climbed up his bedroom window. I literally stayed with him till he fell asleep. Which was maybe already around 11:15 p.m.
I went back to my house and I'm typing this story on to this announcement.