
Je vais devoir arrêter de poster sur Wattpad pendant un bout de temps vu que j'ai qq problèmes personnels en ce moment. Je reviendrais quand tout sera résolu. Et quand je serais de retour je vous jouerais de mauvais tours


Happy New Year!
          I want to wish everyone a better year, to succeed whatever you want to do, to spend quality time with your loved ones, to stay healthy or be heathier and all of those traditional things. I know I'm not as active as the other leaders but I still care about all of you and wish for everyone's happiness and health. 
          Forget the bad things you did this year, forget all of the bad stuff that happens in life at least for while, be happy or try to. Think of this new year, the things you can accomplish: the friends you can make, that crush you never had the guts to confess to; think of good times you can have, think of the wonderful things outside the internet but also all the cool things you can see on the internet. 
          Sometimes, life can be tough, but no one said it would be easy, so keep your head high, confront your problems, and beat them. 
          And after all of that, never forget that there is always someone that cares about you.


Hey I was thinking about making a new book, and since you are REALLY nice and actually talk to me on my stories. I was wondering if you could pick and sans or do multiple. For a sans x reader. I was thinking of making y/n have a vocoloid or you know how people change there voice so it sounds more electronic. I was thinking to make her talk and sing like that. Maybe showing off some new power or something like that, but if you would like to pick then that be great! But if ya don't want to then its fine. Thanks for all of your help and comments. Have a great day! ~Nettislettus


You're welcome!


Thanks for the ideas! I didn't even know there was a technotale! I never thought about that, and really appreciate all the stuff you do for me, and don't worry. I really don't hate anything. I give everything and every one a chance.  If you ever want to tellme something then go ahead. I don't judge.  And memetale sans is from ask frisk and company on YouTube. I think if I could find technotale sans and upbeat then I could rivalry against the two for y/M's heart. Thanks for your opinion the really helped!


@ Nettislettus Or dancetale Sans


hey thank you for really being the only one nice enough to comment on my story. i appreciate the help and support. so i wanted to say thank you, so THANK YOU (throws blueberry for good measure)


@ Nettislettus  
            You're welcome tho I like your creativity so I'm just saying my thoughts ^-^. And sorry for not responding I was really busy with family and because of my studies, but I'm back now and still here to support you.
            Also please tell me if I said something weird or wrong I'm french...