
Thank you so much for the follow! :)


@CrimsonClover8   What can I say?
          Wow!  Someone from Myanmar likes my stories enough to follow me.
          I am so pleased that you are enjoying Risking All for Love.
          As you know, my story begins at Holy Cross Mission in Bolahun, Liberia.
          As a young man, I was a Peace Corps teacher there.
          Here is a link to Holy Cross Mission during my time there.

          Another link shows a worn-out looking house on row 5, second house from the left.

          That is the house I once lived in.  It did not look much better to me then.
          In the story you are reading, Margaux will travel back up to Holy Cross Mission, where Masri left her as a baby.
          She will stay with Lisa Doubek (she is in the story you are reading.  But she is the main character in A Girl Redeemed.) . 
          The next house with the huge, rusting steel wheel is the house that David Rasmussen occupies during the story.
          It was also a Peace Corps house.
          As you can see, my story includes real places.  Real people inspired my characters.
          Of course, my experience in Africa is woven into my story.
          I hope you continue to like my stories.