
Guys. Guys. It's happened. I know you're not gonna believe it, 'cause I can't believe it either, but it's true: I'm done with school for the semester. That's right! Finals are over, no more studying, I have my life back! I'm freeeeeeeeee! So what does that mean for you, my lovely people who are so entirely lovely? Well ......
          	1. Weekly updates of The Regeneration Effect are back on! That's right, the long wait is finally over! You can expect to see more of Rosa, Curtis, N and Plasma this summer, and I might even get the story finished! So hopefully that's exciting for you, 'cause I'm certainly happy about it. xDDDD
          	2. I'll be active on Wattpad again! @Rosa950 - TVSF is finally gonna get the attention it deserves. And for any of you lovelies who want me to read/edit your books, I can make it happen. 
          	3. I'll see all your shining faces again, which makes me so happy. I've missed you guys. T__T 
          	Here's to the summer! Wooooooooooo!


@Rosa950 That's okay, you gotta take those exams down! Then we'll think about editing. ^^ I'm in no hurry at all, so take care of what's important. And enjoy graduating girl, cause you'll be taking on the world soon enough! <333


Yaaaay, great news! Unfortunately, I’m just getting started, so I still can’t give it any attention at all. I have to get through my AP exams soon. So in the meantime I guess you can keep your eyes peeled, or just work your way through my rant book if you want, LOL!! Can’t wait to talk to you more, love 


@CrimsonLavender Already done! Talk to me anytime, I'd love to hear from you!  <3333333


          *insert obligatory 69 joke here*


@GeekoTreecko Beautiful description, thank you for that xD I'm just working, as usual, cause the university only wants me for my money. Someday I'll write again, haha. 


Me? Monstrously inhumane. And writing. And doing some work on a group account I run
            And that's about it! How about you?


Guys. Guys. It's happened. I know you're not gonna believe it, 'cause I can't believe it either, but it's true: I'm done with school for the semester. That's right! Finals are over, no more studying, I have my life back! I'm freeeeeeeeee! So what does that mean for you, my lovely people who are so entirely lovely? Well ......
          1. Weekly updates of The Regeneration Effect are back on! That's right, the long wait is finally over! You can expect to see more of Rosa, Curtis, N and Plasma this summer, and I might even get the story finished! So hopefully that's exciting for you, 'cause I'm certainly happy about it. xDDDD
          2. I'll be active on Wattpad again! @Rosa950 - TVSF is finally gonna get the attention it deserves. And for any of you lovelies who want me to read/edit your books, I can make it happen. 
          3. I'll see all your shining faces again, which makes me so happy. I've missed you guys. T__T 
          Here's to the summer! Wooooooooooo!


@Rosa950 That's okay, you gotta take those exams down! Then we'll think about editing. ^^ I'm in no hurry at all, so take care of what's important. And enjoy graduating girl, cause you'll be taking on the world soon enough! <333


Yaaaay, great news! Unfortunately, I’m just getting started, so I still can’t give it any attention at all. I have to get through my AP exams soon. So in the meantime I guess you can keep your eyes peeled, or just work your way through my rant book if you want, LOL!! Can’t wait to talk to you more, love 


@CrimsonLavender Already done! Talk to me anytime, I'd love to hear from you!  <3333333


Hey guys, I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently. Not only has school been keeping me captive, but I haven't been feeling well the past week or so. Hopefully after I finish my exam today, I'll have time to get the next chapter out. Thank you so much for your patience and support! Love you all! <33333


          Once you get this award, you're supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!
          If you’ve already received this award, I’m posting it anyways because you deserve it!!!




@Rosa950 You're so sweet, you're fabulously beautiful too!


 Beautiful Person Award 
          Once you get this award, you have to post it on the wall of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. You deserve it!


@ImberLapis Thank you, Imber! You're beautiful too!