Again everyone, i am truly sorry for making you wait so very long :( it's just that this past week has been the worst of my life (i know i sound pathetic ~_~'') .......
You see.. my grandma passed away on Wednesday the 18 of April and it affected me greatly for the sole reason that my granny was my EVERYTHING... i practically grew up with her ^_^ hehe ... so now having lived and everything with her, being so use to her always being with me and supporting and helping me choose correctly for 20 years is making it difficult for me to accept that she is actually gone for good :'( ... i cant seem to realize that she aint on earth anymore... the reason i'm telling u guys this is not cause i'm seeking sympathy, just understanding for why i'm letting u guys down like i am... i'm really so sorry, i will try my best to get back on track for you guys ^_^ thanks so very much! you guys are the best fans an amateur author can ask/wish for!!!!!!!!!!! :) mwhaz XD hahaha