
I've been working a rewrite of Simonn Blake Chronicles Episode 1. It might lead to an entire rewrite of the series to correctly follow the new episode 1. Stay Tuned


I am back to writing. I took a few months off as a hiatus to pursue other passions, but I am back now to writing but I will be trying to establish a set schedule to balance out my passions and other activities. I unpublished Chemical Influence 2 and Simonn Blake Chronicles because I am currently writing the enhanced version of Chemical Influence 1 (It is the first one but with more details and a slightly altered story so that certain plot points make sense) and potentially my final version of Simonn Blake Chronicles to follow directly after Operative as a sequel story.


Correction-I am sticking to the version of SBC I had published since there is more progress


I am going to be rewriting Chemical Influence 1 entirely. This version will be revised and longer than the original, plus it will have the plot points I wanted to put into the story so it will be the appropriate length for a book


@Crimson_351214 amazing! Let's talk on private message 


@Cool05guy2000 I'm decent, I'm writing the new chemical influence version


@Crimson_351214 how are you? Sorry I was busy


I just posted Chemical Influence 2 Part 2


@CrimsonNebula12  We've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty.


Because this year has been hectic and stressful, I haven't had the energy to write anything lately but I will most likely write a lot coming next year if things die down and we go back to normal but for now, I'm off until next year most likely


Since Grey Harvest and Chemical Influence Syringe are big stories that will require a lot of time and focus to finish. I will most likely put Grey Harvest on hold and continue CI Syringe but also work on the Operative universe but by publishing 3512 and Simonn Blake Chronicles


It seems that my computer is on it's last leg and won't open Microsoft Word (I use that program to write and edit) so I can't continue or write anything else to publish and I don't like writing with Wattpad's format that much because it is left justified and not middle or center justified to keep text clean and organized into a block. I may be a bit delayed at publishing future chapters so that is a problem. I will try to fix the issue as much as I can.