
Hmm I'm thinking if I should start making stories again or not... I always got that fear where I won't be able to finish what Ive started such as my other previous stories I published. ):


Wahhh AC: Odyssey is just si I grind and grind many quests and fulfill stories until reaching the max lvl.... And now Im searching for any signs of x reader fanfictions out there >: w my fav lovelies... they just saw hnghh SO GUD X3 So if ever someone catches an eye of fanfictions relating to my fav characters I'll rate below... x readers..pls notify me :> im dying to read~
          Top fav character/s in Odyssey:
          1. Thaletas
          2. Alexios / Deimos
          3. Stentor
          4. Lykaon
          5. "Xerxes" (if you guys have played the new update request: The Show Must Go On)
          6. Hmmm... Brasidas? Hahaha not sure
          oh well dats all~ pls lemme kniw TuT especially im lookibg out for thaletas x readers out there thankiesss~~ ♡♡♡


Hey guys its been a long since Ive opened account wowzies~ School has been pretty rough on me as school works just keeps on piling up and since then, also Im a graduating student before imma be in college next year as freshman.  I dont have the time to make stories from one of my works which loses my inspiration and motivation to continue it... sadly they would all be DISCONTINUED. I'm sorry :( And this month the coming weekends are my entrance examinations from one of the well-known universities in my country.. which i gotta review hard if i wanna pass either of them. 
          wish me luck! ^^
          I guess I can still continue reading other people's stories and comment them if I have spare time though~ ♡ 
          Thank you for all the support from my works guys! It was a fun ride with you all~! I guess it would be my turn to support either of your fan fiction works :)) Love you all dearies~
          p.s. I won't delete this account or get off here from my phone unless I will notify my last message to everyone that it would be official...  


Oh wow! Its been such a long time since I have opened my wattpad! o.o dangg School can hella make you either forget or just dont have time to read...and now here i am after 2-3 yrs...senior high and i just opened THIS! xD Hahahaha Would i still be able to create stories? that is the question... im so sorry if I dont have any updates anymore on my previous stories :^( I guess if I have the inspiration or that many... I maybe might be able to produce a new story :) Im srry if I have to start anew chapter on this one :^( deeply apologize for it... I still love and fan of those characters tho (previous characters i love xD) I just dont have the power to make a story anymore of it :^( sadly...Hope maybe "one day" it will come back~ :):) MOre things to come in the future I suppose if I have the luck HAHAHA xD~ Love you guys and thank you so much for the support~! remember, this is not the end ^^  
          I might maybe even learn more new stuff to be inspired on~ ^-^ Since im still learning and studying and all hihihi :3 Chat whenener. Anytime. Babaiii ;3


Hm....hey guys...sorry for not posting o^o lots of shizz has been going yeah...I was thinking to start making my one-shots for SNK and...I like to try if I can make a story & one-shots of Linkin Park :3 so guys/LP fans out there can u suggest wut setting or a type of story I should do... :D thnks 
          Ps. Levi one-shots I'll not stop it yet So don't worry...I'll try to start making TAT